Want Us To Hold You By The Hand And Guide You

Want Us To Hold You By The Hand And Guide You

We’ll See You Inside!

We’ll See You Inside!

Rash Vin

Rash Vin

Al Cheeseman

Al Cheeseman

Hi, there again...

Hi, there again...

Rash Vin

Rash Vin

Al Cheeseman

Al Cheeseman

I understand how badly you want to get started with Infinity. And I don’t blame you, it works insanely well

You are just moments away from being able to access it.

But before that…

There is something that I need to tell you before you continue.

I am talking about coaching.

I KNOW! It sounds sooo cliche.

But, the facts don’t lie!

I understand how badly you want to get started with Infinity. And I don’t blame you, it works insanely well

You are just moments away from being able to access it.

But before that…

There is something that I need to tell you before you continue.

I am talking about coaching.

I KNOW! It sounds sooo cliche.

But, the facts don’t lie!

Almost Every Insanely Successful Person Has A Mentor!

Almost Every Insanely Successful Person Has A Mentor!

Bill Gates, Oprah, Zuckerberg, Richard Branson…

Bill Gates, Oprah, Zuckerberg, Richard Branson…



And the list goes on and on!

That tells you something. It leaves us a clue for how successful people become successful.

They have coaches!

In the internet marketing industry, it’s no different.

Having the right coach is PROVEN to take you to where you want to go in life.

I had a coach and I know how effective it is.

Almost ALL of my successful friends that generate 6-8 figures had coaches too.

And the list goes on and on!

That tells you something. It leaves us a clue for how successful people become successful.

They have coaches!

In the internet marketing industry, it’s no different.

Having the right coach is PROVEN to take you to where you want to go in life.

I had a coach and I know how effective it is.

Almost ALL of my successful friends that generate 6-8 figures had coaches too.

If You Want A Coach Worth Their Salt…

If You Want A Coach Worth Their Salt…

You Can Expect To Fork Out 4-5 FIGURES. Minimum!

You Can Expect To Fork Out 4-5 FIGURES. Minimum!

Yes, you heard that right.

If you want a coach that knows what they’re talking about, they’ll charge you a pretty penny.

They are experts.

They spent years mastering their craft and they KNOW what their time is worth.

And because they have the ability to take you to where you want to go.

If I’m entirely honest. I’m NO different.

I value my time. Depending on the services you need, I charge 4-5 figures.

Yes, you heard that right.

If you want a coach that knows what they’re talking about, they’ll charge you a pretty penny.

They are experts.

They spent years mastering their craft and they KNOW what their time is worth.

And because they have the ability to take you to where you want to go.

If I’m entirely honest. I’m NO different.

I value my time. Depending on the services you need, I charge 4-5 figures.

“But Dan, I’m Just An Average Fella,

“But Dan, I’m Just An Average Fella,

I get it.

Some people out there are just in an unlucky situation and can’t afford to fork over a few thousand to a coach.

So if that’s you, are you simply screwed?

No! Here’s why…

You see, I had a conversation on FB with my friend Dan Ashendorf.

This dude is the genius, he’s done over $6 million USD in sales.

I asked him if he would be able to help coach the members of Infinity one on one…

Dan responded with an upfront answer.

“No. I don’t have the time”

However, he then had an awesome, idea:

I get it.

Some people out there are just in an unlucky situation and can’t afford to fork over a few thousand to a coach.

So if that’s you, are you simply screwed?

No! Here’s why…

You see, I had a conversation on FB with my friend Dan Ashendorf.

This dude is the genius, he’s done over $6 million USD in sales.

I asked him if he would be able to help coach the members of Infinity one on one…

Dan responded with an upfront answer.

“No. I don’t have the time”

However, he then had an awesome, idea:

“What If I Were To Coach People As A Group”

“What If I Were To Coach People As A Group”

Instead Of Spending All Of My Time Coaching 1:1?”

Instead Of Spending All Of My Time Coaching 1:1?”

You see, Dan only has 24 hours in a day like everyone else.

And he values his time a LOT.

However, by coaching people as a group, it gives him a chance to leverage his time.

So, he was willing to do that…

Meaning he will be willing to take you by the hand and coach you so you can start making some serious money online.

You see, Dan only has 24 hours in a day like everyone else.

And he values his time a LOT.

However, by coaching people as a group, it gives him a chance to leverage his time.

So, he was willing to do that…

Meaning he will be willing to take you by the hand and coach you so you can start making some serious money online.

I N T R O D U C I N G …

I N T R O D U C I N G …

What You’re Getting…

What You’re Getting…

Weekly Coaching Calls

Weekly Coaching Calls

You’ll be able to peek into my money accounts and see how I (and my students) earn a full time income online.

You’ll be able to peek into my money accounts and see how I (and my students) earn a full time income online.

Success Blueprint

Success Blueprint

A proven blueprint to success – on the weekly calls you will learn everything you need in order to become a six-figure internet marketer.

This will catapult your your career from a newbie standstill to a seasoned internet marketer in the shortest time possible. Try it and see – you will be amazed.

A proven blueprint to success – on the weekly calls you will learn everything you need in order to become a six-figure internet marketer.

This will catapult your your career from a newbie standstill to a seasoned internet marketer in the shortest time possible. Try it and see – you will be amazed.

HOT Secret Niches

HOT Secret Niches

These are the hottest, trendiest, most lucrative niches there are – have a look at one such niche and the trajectory it has on Google Trends (this means that it will be searched extensively on Google – and you’ll receive lots of search engine traffic into your stores, blogs and videos.

These are the hottest, trendiest, most lucrative niches there are – have a look at one such niche and the trajectory it has on Google Trends (this means that it will be searched extensively on Google – and you’ll receive lots of search engine traffic into your stores, blogs and videos.

You’re Going To Learn:

You’re Going To Learn:

  • How to choose the right niches / products
  • ​Setting up a ‘sales magnet’ drop ship website
  • ​Utilise social media & blogging to drive massive traffic to your site
  • ​Retargetting, anchor method
  • ​Selling on Amazon
  • ​Making money with subscription boxes
  • How to choose the right niches / products
  • ​Setting up a ‘sales magnet’ drop ship website
  • ​Utilise social media & blogging to drive massive traffic to your site
  • ​Retargetting, anchor method
  • ​Selling on Amazon
  • ​Making money with subscription boxes
  • Pinterest mastery – rich pins, getting 100-200 followers fast
  • ​Access demand/competition
  • ​World leading benchmark conversions
  • ​Penny clicks on Facebook, Power Pages, sell directly on FB
  • ​Driving traffic with Quora
  • ​Amazon Affiliates
  • Pinterest mastery – rich pins, getting 100-200 followers fast
  • ​Access demand/competition
  • ​World leading benchmark conversions
  • ​Penny clicks on Facebook, Power Pages, sell directly on FB
  • ​Driving traffic with Quora
  • ​Amazon Affiliates

Also, You’ll Receive The

Also, You’ll Receive The

My Secret Profits System

My Secret Profits System

If you want a proven system that can change your life and that provides happiness and SECURITY for you and your family.

If you want to change your life WITHOUT spending endless hours searching for the perfect system to implement.

If you want to USE a simple and effective system for making cash.

If you want to control your own destiny and NOT SLAVE for other people to make a living.

If you want to ESCAPE from your job, bills and stress.

If you felt an urge to scream ‘YES!‘ to any one or more of the above . . . then the $100K Club is for you!

If you want a proven system that can change your life and that provides happiness and SECURITY for you and your family.

If you want to change your life WITHOUT spending endless hours searching for the perfect system to implement.

If you want to USE a simple and effective system for making cash.

If you want to control your own destiny and NOT SLAVE for other people to make a living.

If you want to ESCAPE from your job, bills and stress.

If you felt an urge to scream ‘YES!‘ to any one or more of the above . . . then the $100K Club is for you!

Here Are 5 Reasons Why

Here Are 5 Reasons Why

$100k Club Is Different

$100k Club Is Different

No More Confusion.

This program removes all the confusion you’ll see in other “Guru” products.

No More Confusion.

This program removes all the confusion you’ll see in other “Guru” products.

No More Fear Failure.

Start earning what you are worth and earning a better lifestyle for your family!

No More Fear Failure.

Start earning what you are worth and earning a better lifestyle for your family!

No More Frustration.

Start seeing real results because you’re following a proven and tested system that works!

No More Frustration.

Start seeing real results because you’re following a proven and tested system that works!

We don’t want anything to stop you from getting Infinity Mastermind right now.

That’s why we’re going to ELIMINATE all of the risk and give you a full 7 days to make sure Infinity Mastermind is for you.

We don’t want anything to stop you from getting Infinity Mastermind right now.

That’s why we’re going to ELIMINATE all of the risk and give you a full 7 days to make sure Infinity Mastermind is for you.

No More Guess Work.

You don’t have to re-invent the wheel as I have done all the hard work for you, so that you can quickly put it into action without any guess work.

No More Guess Work.

You don’t have to re-invent the wheel as I have done all the hard work for you, so that you can quickly put it into action without any guess work.

No More Loss Of Motivation

By implementing what I teach, you will start seeing success and get more and more motivated as you push yourself closer and closer to success.

No More Loss Of Motivation

By implementing what I teach, you will start seeing success and get more and more motivated as you push yourself closer and closer to success.



“YES Dan, I Want You To Guide

Me To $10,000 A Month!”

“YES Dan, I Want You To Guide

Me To $10,000 A Month!”

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Dan Ashendorf

Dan Ashendorf

Dan Ashendorf

Dan Ashendorf